Lia Pinelli Coaching

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Ep 114: Top 3 Mistakes We Make When Setting Weight Loss Goals

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07/17/23 | 21:14 | Episode 114

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  1. Lia reflects on goals setting and ambitions for the year.

  2. Emphasize the importance of not forgetting or neglecting these goals and highlight the remaining six months as an opportunity to make progress.

Segment 1: Revisiting Your Goals

  1. Encourage listeners to revisit their New Year's resolutions, goals, or intentions for 2023.

  2. Invite those who haven't set goals for 2023 to not be afraid and consider setting them now.

Segment 2: The Power of Keeping Promises to Yourself

  1. Discuss the significance of setting goals as a promise to oneself and the erosion of trust that occurs when those promises are broken.

  2. Highlight the empowerment and strength that come from consistently following through on personal commitments.

  3. Encourage listeners to imagine the positive impact on their lives if they always followed through on their promises.

Segment 3: Understanding Overeating and Setting Achievable Goals

  1. Explain the importance of understanding the root causes of overeating to effectively address the issue.

  2. Introduce the concept of different types of overeaters (biochemical, emotional, or a combination) and the need to identify one's type.

  3. Share a free quiz available on to help determine the type of overeater one is and provide tailored solutions.

Segment 4: Setting Goals Aligned with Pleasure and Sustainability

  1. Emphasize the need to prioritize pleasure when setting weight-loss goals, avoiding deprivation and misery.

  2. Highlight the importance of sustainability, considering the time constraints and mental load of busy individuals.

  3. Encourage listeners to find goals that are efficient, time-effective, and aligned with their values.

Segment 5: The Pitfalls of Quick Wins and the Importance of Enjoyment

  1. Discuss the desire for quick wins and the role they play in maintaining motivation.

  2. Stress the importance of finding joy and pleasure in the weight-loss journey, even without immediate results.

  3. Assure listeners that sustainable, pleasurable approaches will keep them motivated regardless of quick wins.


  1. Recap the three key mistakes to avoid when setting goals: sacrificing pleasure, unsustainability, and relying solely on quick wins.

  2. Encourage listeners to prioritize pleasure, find sustainable approaches, and enjoy the journey towards achieving their goals.

  3. The 90 Days to Food Freedom program is a resource for learning how to set goals that align with pleasure and sustainability.


FREE What Type of Overeater Are You? Quiz

Learn to eat when you're hungry and stop when you're not

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