Ep 103: The Untold Truth about Women Over 40


04/03/23 | 10:52 | Episode 103

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The anti-aging industry is profiting massively off of American women’s anxiety about aging. Our anxiety is fueled by our dominant cultural narrative that once we pass the age of 34 we have lost most, if not all, of our value. The industry has a vested interest in keeping women anxious and insecure about the inevitable and are profiting handsomely from our fear that the best years of our lives are behind us. 

But what if the opposite were true? What if the best, most vibrant and satisfying years of our lives come after 40?

Tune in to hear a new narrative about women over 40, one that reveals the truth that our 40s, 50s, and 60s will prove to be the best years of our lives.


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Ep 104: Goal Weight vs. Happy Weight


Ep 102: The MindBody Connection with Ana Nieto